Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweet "Tea" Apron

Hello Dear Reading Friends,

I sent the winning apron out awhile ago and figured it was past time to post some pictures of it for you.  So, as I swelter in this ridiculous heat and non-air conditioned house I will post something refreshing to look at!

Here's a detail of the cute teapot ruffle

I loved this fabric when I saw it, and since I know Heather loves all things "Tea" including her collection of teapots, I thought this would be perfect for her. Don't you just love the bright pops of color? It's such happy fabric.

Made from a pair of designer Calvin Klein's...bonus!
This was a fun project for me, and it's actually relatively easy.  I'll post a how-to for these little beauties soon.  It's such a great way to re-purpose old jeans you probably have in your family's giveaway bin.  A little bit of fun fabric and some basic sewing knowledge and you are good to go.

Here it is! Complete with sweet brown and white polka dot ties, so cute!
Hope you all enjoyed seeing Heather's Sweet "Tea" apron all done. Next update on that crazy chicken coop project!


1 comment:

  1. This is so cute.
    I actually came here to reply to your comment on my blog post about marriage being hard work. Thank you for your comment and I truly hope that your struggles will end soon.
