Friday, June 8, 2012

Drumroll Please!

And the winner of the Hip Petunia Studios facebook page giveaway is... Heather Stinson!  Heather happens to be a great friend of mine that lives entirely too far away on the other side of the state. So happy I get to bless her with the winning prize, which since the vote ended in a tie, is her choice of either a tote or an apron "tool belt". I will post pics of the prize as soon as I can. Also, stay tuned because since I love winning fun things so much myself, you never know when there will be another opportunity to win something great!

Blessings, Dear Readers!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Giveaway Alert!

Hey there my sweet junking friends, thought I'd give you a heads up about a giveaway I am doing through my facebook page. In order to be entered in my drawing you just have to pop over to my facebook page: and like the page. That's it! Easy peasy, right? No catches, no gimmicks and I will be giving away either a fabulous "tool belt" apron or one of my adorable totes. If you'd like to place a vote for which one, drop me a line on the page. Whichever gets the most votes will be the piece I give away. As soon as I hit 50 likes on my page, I will draw for the winner and notify them through facebook.
Look forward to seeing you there!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Farm Chicks Favorite Find

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a total geek when it comes to all things "farmy" or slightly junk related, except the animal smells, not my favorite.  I am the biggest self-proclaimed geek however, when it comes to vintage fabric, trims or buttons. I used to spend hours going through every button in my grandmother's box of buttons when I was a kid even though I knew them all by heart. There is just something fascinating about an old damask curtain, a bright military button or a brocade table cloth. Maybe it's the history behind the piece, maybe it's just the fact that this or that beautiful piece of vintage fabric will find a new purpose under my sewing needle.

So it should come as no surprise, that my favorite find at "The Farm Chicks Antique Show" this year is of course, vintage fabric. Not just any vintage fabric mind you, but an absolutely gorgeous silvery gray brocade that will soon be appearing as new bags and totes.

I love the contrast of that sweet blue ribbon against the fabric!

I am so excited to start creating with it that I had to restrain myself from breaking out my sewing machine while my guests are still here.  (Maybe later tonight if I can't stand it any longer.) Even now, my mind is racing with ideas as I mentally run through my fabric stash to consider the possibilities.

Can't wait to play! I wish the color came through better on these pictures. I really need a new camera for this..
 For the record, if you love junking and treasure hunting as much as I do and have yet to experience "Farm Chicks", start making plans for next June now, and setting aside some spending cash because you'll want one of everything!

As for my dear Hubby? He's still working on the chicken coop.

Blessings until next time!